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Risch Ensures National Labs Role in Cybersecurity

Amendment included in Senate Intelligence Committee’s Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2014

July 8, 2014

Washington, D.C. – Today a bipartisan amendment authored by U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-ID) was accepted during the markup of the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) of 2014 in the Senate Intelligence Committee. The Risch Amendment explicitly requires that National Laboratories are to be part of the coordination process for the development of procedures to facilitate and promote the timely sharing of cyber threat indicators.  

“When it comes to Cybersecurity and protecting critical infrastructure, nobody does it better than the dedicated individuals at the Idaho National Lab,” said Risch. “I am pleased that the committee included this important amendment in the Intelligence Committee’s Cybersecurity legislation. American businesses and private citizens are attacked on a daily basis and have little or no recourse. This legislation would promote information sharing on cyber threats between the private sector and the government to protect those businesses and private citizens. This bill remains a work in progress as it moves through Congress, however.”

With Senator Risch’s support the CISA of 2014 passed the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence by a vote of 12 – 3.
