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Washington, DC - Citing a soaring national debt and growth in spending, U.S. Senator Jim Risch called the proposed 2011 budget released by the White House today out of touch with the American people.

"Last month the voters in the most liberal state clearly demonstrated they are tired of the borrow-and-spend policies coming out of Washington. Now, the president wants to move forward with business as usual-more taxes, more spending and more borrowing," said Risch. "Our national debt is already more than $40,000 for every man, woman and child. Increasing that obligation by an additional 10 percent is not the kind of leadership Idaho and America need."

The proposed budget calls for $3.8 trillion in total spending, an average increase of 5 percent for each federal agency-more than the current rate of inflation. Even after accounting for additional revenue from tax increases and new limits on deductions, it projects a $1.3 trillion deficit.

Risch, a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, did note some items recognized as priorities in the budget proposal including research at the Idaho National Laboratory and support for nuclear energy.

"I am pleased the president recognizes the importance of nuclear power to our nation's energy needs. Proper support and adequate funding for nuclear technologies has not yet been a priority of this administration, but this budget is a hopeful sign. Energy security and price stability is needed by business for future economic growth. I look forward to working with my colleagues to enact fiscally-responsible budgets for each of the federal agencies."
